As part of the onboarding process, you can set non-USD currencies when creating the account.
This article includes:
Defining currency settings
Azure and GCP accounts include currency settings as part of their onboarding, enabling you to set a non-USD currency (the default is USD). Note that AWS supports only USD by default and does not natively support any other currency.
To view the currency setting in your Azure or GCP account:
In order to view currency settings, access the account settings, and click the Cloud Accounts tab. The currency settings are shown in the Currency column.
Note that the currency symbol is shown in various screens throughout Anodot Cost.
To set the currency when onboarding:
This is only applicable when onboarding with Azure or GCP.
Click the relevant service you want to connect to when onboarding (Azure or GCP). When you go through the onboarding wizard, you can set the currency as described below.
The following example shows the Currency Type (optional) dropdown field in the Azure onboarding, where you can select the relevant currency.
The example below shows the Currency Type (optional) dropdown field in the GCP onboarding, where you can select the relevant currency. The default is USD.
The currency can’t be updated after setting it in the onboarding process. If you need to modify the currency, contact
All Accounts will include only USD currency accounts.
Multi-cloud will include only USD currency accounts.
Azure recommendation saving calculation for non-USD accounts
This functionality is currently supported only for Azure.
In each non-USD account, the recommendation saving amount (potential saving) is calculated based on the Azure pricing after converting it with the relevant currency exchange rate.
The currency exchange rate is defined according to the last recorded invoice date once the recommendation is calculated.
The currency exchange rate is being retrieved on demand by our engines by using a currency conversion API supporting over 170+ currencies.