Anodot Cost monitors cost metrics and identifies anomalies from your cost metrics’ normal behavior patterns, as learned through Anodot’s patented algorithms.
- The anomaly algorithm runs on a daily basis, processing up to 4 previous months of cost data.
- Anodot currently presents anomalies with impact >=50$ in order to reduce the noise.
- For MSPs and their customers, the anomaly algorithm is invoked after each re-billing process.
This article includes:
Understanding Metrics
The cost anomaly engine processes a predefined set of cost metrics and these are optimized and set in order to reduce the noise and automatically create added-value anomaly insights.
Note: Anodot algorithm filters in 'On demand' anomalies and these are presented in the Anomaly detection monitoring UI.
The list of predefined metrics is listed in the following table:
Cloud Provider | Customer Type | Metrics | Dimensions |
Direct customers |
Amortize cost |
Azure |
Direct customers |
Depending on the invoice exported metric |
Direct customers |
Depending on the invoice exported metric |
MSP Users |
Amortize cost |
Azure |
MSP Users |
Depending on the invoice exported metric |
Azure | FOCUS Export |
Actual |
MSP Users |
Depending on the invoice exported metric |
Dedicated account |
Amortize cost |
Shared account |
Unblended cost |
Azure |
MSP customers |
Depending on the invoice exported metric |
MSP customers |
Depending on the invoice exported metric |
Viewing your Anomalies
- From the left menu navigate to Monitoring > Anomaly Detection
- There are two main views for the anomalies:
- The All anomalies tab - the central repository for all anomalies. displays all the anomalies with at least a 50$ cost impact. The tab lists the top 200 anomalies. You can also use the search bar to search for values across all the anomaly table fields.
- The Alerts tab - all the anomalies that were triggered according to the defined alert rule - The numbers "All anomalies" numbers refer to the open anomalies.
For each anomaly, you can see a detailed chart depicting anomaly behavior patterns and explanations pinpointing the primary parameters driving these anomalies.
In addition, you can add a comment, feedback and mark each anomaly as resolved/ acknowledged.
The feedback is analyzed (mainly the NOT-INTERESTING feedback) to see how the Alert can be improved. This is where Anodot's machine-learning capability comes into place.
Anomaly detection cubelet
We provide anomaly root cause analysis aka cubelet by analyzing each underlying metric, looking only for the dimensions having anomalies during the same period, and covering at least 70% of the original anomaly impact.
Anomalies/Alerts Table
You can also define a time range to explore anomalies for a given period of time.
The various columns and fields in the All anomalies tab are described below:
- Anomaly start time: The time at which the anomaly started.
- Customer: (Displayed for MSPs) The customer to whom the linked account belongs.
- Cost center: (Displayed for direct customers) The cost center to which the linked account is assigned.
- Account name: Account Name (ID), mapped from the Linked account / Subscription / Projected.
- Service: Cloud provider service.
- Region: Cloud provider region.
- Usage type: From one of Byte, Hours, Requests, Resource quantity, or Other.
Cost impact: Represents the delta between the anomalous data point and the previous normal value, in $ value.
Note: The anomaly cost impact is accumulated throughout the anomaly duration.
For example, if an anomaly lasted for 2 days, on day 1 the anomaly cost impact was 50$, and on day 2 the anomaly cost impact increased by 100$, which means that the accumulated anomaly impact is 150$.
- Cost delta %: Represents the delta between the anomalous data point and the previous normal value, in % value.
- Daily Cost Impact: The cost impact caused by the last day of the anomaly. This is the difference between the last datapoint and the expected value in the baseline for that day.
The following icons are displayed in the far right of the anomalies table:
Indicates if the anomaly is open. Indicates if the anomaly is closed. |
Indicates if the anomaly has an open alert (hover over the icon to see the name of the alert rule that has triggered the open alert). Indicates the anomaly has no open alerts. |
Click to investigate the anomaly using the Cost & Usage Explorer. The trend chart time range is 3 months back from the anomaly start time. |
Anomalies Auto-Closure
Anomaly that was last updated 3 days ago will be automatically closed.
Alert Status
The alert status is set to 'Open' when the rule's criteria are met.
The alert status is set to 'Closed' when the anomaly is closed or the related alert rule is deleted.
Download anomalies/alerts
You can download all your anomalies (open, closed) into a CSV file.