This article describes the logic behind billing rules, and how to define them. Billing rules are added by partners and can be applied at the customer level and all their linked accounts, or on specific linked accounts.
The billing rules are then used as part of the Anodot Cost rebilling process and generate the ‘Billing Rule Margin’ result per customer that is included in the Billing status and Billing history sections.
To access and define billing rules:
- From the Navigation Panel, click Partner>Billing Rules.
- Click Add Billing Rule.
- Set the billing rule Name, which is limited to 100 characters.
- Select to apply the rule on Customers or Linked Account and then click to select the relevant Customers or Linked Accounts from the displayed list.
- Set the Frequency, from Recurring or On Time.
- Set the Start Month and End month to which you want to apply the billing rule.
Select the relevant Margin Type from one of the following (note that the rule criteria is updated according to the selected margin type):
- Percentage
- Fixed cost
- Fixed rate
- Custom Service Aggregated %
- AWS Support
Remove AWS Support
See the sections below for futher details on each of the above margin types.
- Once defined, the billing rules can be viewed (and edited) in the Billing Rules summary table, as shown below.
Margin type: Percentage
After selecting Percentage, set the Amount as the negative values for discount (value in $).
- Select the Service; multiple services can be selected.
- Select to exclude/include the UsageType; multiple usage types can be selected.
- If required, select the Exclude AWS Marketplace checkbox to exclude the AWS Marketplace from the calculated billing rule margin.
Margin type: Fixed Cost
After selecting Fixed cost, set the Amount as the negative values for discount (value in $).
- Set a Custom Service Name.
- Select the Service; multiple services can be selected.
- Select to exclude/include the UsageType; multiple usage types can be selected.
- Select a Region.
Margin type: Fixed rate
After selecting Fixed rate, set the Amount as the negative values for discount (value in $).
- Select the Service; multiple services can be selected.
- Select to exclude/include the UsageType; multiple usage types can be selected.
- If required, select the Exclude AWS Marketplace checkbox to exclude the AWS Marketplace from the calculated billing rule margin.
Margin type: Custom Service Aggregated %
After selecting Custom Service Aggregated %, set the Amount as the negative value for discount (value in $).
Set a Custom Service Name.
Note: The service will be available as part of the service filter shown for all customers in a shared account, name should be generic. -
Select either to exclude/include Services; multiple services can be selected. Note the following:
- The green ‘+’ sign means the selected services are included.
- Click the green ‘+’ sign to change it to a red ‘-’; this will exclude the selected service.
- Select to exclude/include the UsageType; multiple usage types can be selected.
- If required, select the Exclude AWS Marketplace checkbox to exclude the AWS Marketplace from the calculated billing rule margin.
Margin type: AWS Support
After selecting AWS Support, select the support Plan (Support (Business)/AWS Premium Support/Support (Dev)).
- If required, select the Exclude AWS Marketplace checkbox to exclude the AWS Marketplace from the calculated billing rule margin.
- If required, select the Disable minimum fee checkbox to exclude the fee from the calculated billing rule margin.
Margin type: Remove AWS Support
After selecting Remove AWS Support, select the support Plan (Support (Business)/AWS Premium Support/Support (Dev)).