Use these guidelines to upload cost data from additional SaaS and other providers.
High level steps
1. Create the new account on our platform
2. Export the files in FOCUS format from your SaaS providers, or any other provider.
3. Upload the files to the designated S3 bucket we've assigned for this account.
After being processed by the platform, your new cost account and cost data will appear in your multi-cloud view.
Detailed Steps
Preparation steps
- Prepare the files - Create a process to generate the FOCUS formatted files on a daily manner.
- Prepare the scheduled upload of the files to S3 (See location and credentials in detailed steps of the article)
Create the Account
1. From the Cloud Accounts tab, choose Bring your Cost to start the onboarding wizard.
- Upon the onboarding of your first BYOD account, we will create a designated S3 bucket for you to store the cost files in.
2. In the first step of the onboarding wizard, we will ask you to provide the account name, this name will appear in the multi-cloud view once data is processed.
- The account name will be used as part of the S3 path to upload your files.
- When you create additional accounts, additional paths will be created, one per account.
- Note the import format is FOCUS - See the FOCUS column definition here
3. Choose the vendor to associate this account with. You can choose a vendor from the preset list or add a vendor to the list yourself.
- The list is pre-populated in the platform.
- Vendors you add yourself, will be available within your organization.
4. In the 2nd step of the wizard
- The account name and generated ID will appear for your reference.
- The S3 path we have generated for you will be presented.
- The one-time link to get the keys to access the bucket, store them safely.
- These will be the same keys for future BYOD accounts in your organization.
- If you no longer have access to the keys, please contact our support team to re-generate them for you.
5. Use the above mentioned keys in your scripts to populate the S3 bucket with your data.
Click Next to finalize the wizard steps.
You're all set!
When your files reach the bucket root or sub-directories, they will be ingested and processed for viewing in the platform.
Upload Guidelines
We have gathered some guidelines to help you process the uploaded files efficiently.
- If your exporting application/service splits the output to multiple files, upload them into a folder on the S3 bucket, to make sure they are processed as a batch.
- Files are processed according to the data they contain, if you upload a file with dates that we have already processed, the old data is removed and is re-processed from the new file.
- Make sure the field names adhere to the FOCUS format field names, to prevent processing failures
FOCUS & MultiCloud Mapping
The field mapping will help you prepare the FOCUS formatted file to be presented correctly in our multicloud view.
Please note we expect the exact field names in the input file. The FOCUS field names are validated in the onboarding process.
FOCUS Field Name | Multicloud field |
The account name you provide in the onboarding wizard | Payer Account |
SubAccountId | Linked Account |
ServiceName | Service |
RegionName | Region |
ResourceType | Family Type |
PricingCategory | Operation |
ChargePeriodStart OR BillingPeriodStart | Date |
BilledCost | Unblended Total Cost |
EffectiveCost | Amortized Total Cost |