Get started with Anodot on Azure by following our onboarding guide, which walks you through the initial steps.
As part of the onboarding process, you'll set up a billing export within your Azure environment. This export will be automatically read by Anodot every day to ensure seamless integration and accurate monitoring of your cloud cost and usage.
Note: Before you begin, ensure that you have one of the following roles in your Azure environment: Owner, Contributor, or Global Admin.
From the Accounts dropdown list, click Add Account and then click the Azure icon.
Choose how you would like to complete the onboarding:
- Automatically (coming soon)
- Manually
Azure manual onboarding
Choose the billing account type of your Azure account and click Next.
You will now run through the main steps of the onboarding, which include:
- Create App registration
- Storage and billing export
- Validation and data fetch simulation
- Account processing
- Permissions for recommendations
App registration
- Go to the Azure console, navigate to App Registrations, and click New registration.
- Define a name for the application and click Register.
- For the account you created, make a note of the following values as you will need to enter them later on in the Anodot platform:
- Display Name
- Application (client) ID
- Directory (tenant) ID
- From the left menu, navigate to the Certificates & secrets page, and click New Client Secret.
- Define a description, choose the expire period (we recommend 730 days), and click Add.
- Make a note of the Secret Value, as you will need to enter it in the Anodot platform.
- In Anodot, enter the values you made a note of in the above steps and click Next.
Billing export
The steps required for the billing export include creating a storage account, providing permissions, creating a container, and creating an export.
Create Storage Account
If you want to use an existing storage account, skip this step and go to the providing permissions step. Otherwise, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Storage account page, and click Create.
Define the following for the storage account:
- Subscription: The subscription to which the storage account will be related to.
- Resource group: The resource group to which the storage account will be related to.
- Storage account name: The name of the storage account (make a note of this name, as you will
need to enter it in the Anodot platform).
- Region: The region to which the storage account will be related to.
In case you want to restrict access to your storage account to Anodot's IP only follow the following steps:
- From the Storage Account page click on the Networking from the left menu.
- In the Public network access choose the "Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses" option.
- In the Address range mention Anodot public IPs - reach to our support to receive those IPs (
Provide permissions to the application
- Navigate to the Storage Account page, and select the storage account you created in the previous step.
Navigate to Access Control (IAM) and then click Add > Add role assignment.
- In the Role tab, search for the Storage Blob Data Reader role, choose it, and click Next.
Note: this role grants read-only access to Azure Storage blob containers and their data- this will allow Anodot to read your export data from the container. For more information review Azure documentation. - In the Members tab, click Select Members, search for the application name you created in the App Registration step, choose it, and click Review + assign.
- Navigate to the Subscription where the Storage Account is located (from the Subscriptions page).
Navigate to Access Control (IAM) and then click Add > Add role assignment.
- In the Role tab, search for the Monitoring Reader role, choose it, and click Next.
Note: This role provides read-only access to monitoring data across various Azure resources. For more information review Azure documentation. - In the Members tab, click Select Members, search for the application name you created in the App Registration step, choose it, and click Review + assign.
Create Container
If you want to use an existing container, skip this step and go to the create export step. Otherwise, perform the following steps:
- Under the Storage account you created, navigate to the Containers page from the left menu and click Add Container.
Set the Anonymous access level to Private (no anonymous access), and then click Create. Make a note of the container name, as you will need to enter it in the Anodot platform.
Create Export
- Navigate to the Cost Management + Billing page.
- From the left menu, navigate to the Exports page, and click Create.
Note: If your storage account is protected by a firewall, you can create an export using an SAS key. Contact Anodot support for more details and guidance. Please note, that this option is relevant for Microsoft partners only. For more details click here. -
Select the options as marked below, enter any name you would like for the export name, and click on Add.
Note: The best practice is to create a FOCUS export that will contain both unblended and amortized costs in one export.
- Under the Datasets tab, enter any Export prefix, and click on Next.
- Under the Destination tab, specify where the bucket will be located according to your earlier configuration.
Important: Please make sure that you select the following settings:
- Format = CSV
- Compression type = none. - Click on Review + Create. Be sure to take note of the directory field, as you'll need to input it in Anodot during the onboarding process.
- Navigate to the Exports page, click the export you just created, and click Run now.
- In Anodot, enter the values you noted above and click Next.
Validate account and data fetch simulation
Your Azure account details will be validated by Anodot, and a simulation will be created of your data. This step can take up to 30 minutes. Note that you can close this tab, and we will send you an email once the validation is done and the simulation is ready.
Note: Select the checkbox to inform you when the entire process is done, and you can see data in Anodot (without seeing the data fetch simulation).
Account processing
This step can take up to a few hours (depending on when we will receive your exports from Azure).
We will notify you by email once it is done and you can see data in your account.
Providing permissions to your subscriptions
In order for Anodot to produce recommendations for you, you must provide permission for each subscription. To grant this access, follow our documentation.