This article describes how to work with the Azure App Service Plan Explorer, and includes the following:
Azure App Service is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering provided by Microsoft Azure for building, hosting, and scaling web applications and APIs. It's a fully managed service that allows developers to focus on their code without worrying about managing the underlying infrastructure. Azure App Service supports multiple programming languages and frameworks, making it versatile for various application types.
An app service always runs in an App Service plan. In addition, Azure Functions also have the option of running in an App Service plan. An App Service plan defines a set of compute resources for a web app to run.
App Service Plan and Wep App extraction logic
The App Service Plan and Wep App are extracted from the Azure resources. Azure resources are classified as being extracted from the following resource groups: App Service Plan = Farm, Web Apps = site
Resource name examples:
- App Service Plan (serverfarms) resource is marked in green:
/subscriptions/40e5f053-f0b1-42cc-8505-950890c8b2e2/resourcegroups/corp-provisioning-appresources-prod/providers/microsoft.web/serverfarms/ah-onprem-provisioning-asp - Web App (sites) resource is marked in green:
Explore your App Service Plan
Having clear visibility and a solid understanding of the App Service Plan spend and the related Web App is important. By using cost analysis, you can better plan your optimization and cost savings.
To access the App Service Plan Explorer, go to Cost & Usage > Resource Explorer > App Service Plan. The summary panel shows the number of available App Service Plans for the selected date range.
You can filter the listed App Service Plans by:
- Subscription: displays the available App Service Plans according to the selected subscription. Can you select multiple subscriptions?
- Region: displays the available App Service Plans according to the selected region. Can you select multiple regions?
The Explorer Table view shows the following details according to the filters and the date range selected:
- App Service Plan: The App Service Plan name.
- Web App #: The number of Web Apps associated with this App Service Plan according to the selected date range. The list might vary for different periods as Web Apps can move between App Service Plans.
- Total Cost #: The total cost of App Service Plan cost and Web Apps cost for the selected date range.
- Total App Service Cost: The Total App Service Plan cost for the selected date range.
- Plan Tier: The App Service Plan tier.
- Subscription: The corresponding subscription for the App Service Plan.
- Region: The corresponding region for the App Service Plan.
- Service: The corresponding service for the App Service Plan.
- Resource Group: The corresponding resource group for the App Service Plan.
You can open each App Service Plan and explore the data trends and Web App list, as shown below.
In each App Service Plan you can:
- View the list of related App Service Plan tags.
- View the trend chart which shows the cost of the App Service Plan (as a line graph) and its corresponding Web Apps (in a bar graph) over time.
- View the cost, which is also shown in the table.
- Click on the Web App magnifying glass in the Type column to continue the exploration through the Cost & Usage Explorer. The Explorer is opened and filtered according to the selected App Service Plan and Web App, as shown below.